

 Hi, today in this blog I gonna talk about my plans for this next summer, and thinking about it I haven´t done any plan because first I wanna end the semester and pass the courses, and also, because the pandemic I think I will not go anywhere.  But if I have the choose some place to visit maybe it would be the south of Chile and probably I would go with my girlfriend because we both like this place. Maybe we would visit places like Puerto Varas, Puerto Montt, Valdivia and Frutillar because I was in this places years ago and I love them, cause they are so quiet, clean and the weather is so nice almost for me because I hate the summer and the heat. In this places maybe we would visit some forest, lakes and national parks like Saltos del Petrohue.  About working in this summer, I have to do my practice in the pharmacy so I will spend a few weeks in that activity and if I have the possibility to stay working maybe I would take it to have some money for the next year and also to understand


 Hi, in this blog I gonna talk about my favourite serie Breaking Bad. Breakin Bad is my favourite serie because I love how the characters evolve along the different seasons, the performance of Bryan Cranston as Walter White and Aaron Paul as Jesse Pinkman are fantastic and it´s nice to see how the relationship between them changes along the serie. Another reason why this is my favourite serie is because it combines drama, tragedy and comedy in a very good way, also, the soundtrack is very nice. Obviusly, the chemistry is one of the most important things in the first seasons, and for a person who likes chemistry is nice to see the characters talking about it.  For me, it's the best serie I have ever seen, I like all of the seasons, and almost for me, the ending was perfect. I' dont watch so much series so I don´t have an specific favourite type of it, I like the series for the historic context an the characters like Peaky Blinders or Vikings and also for his storie like Dark or

My dreamed job

Hi, today I gonna talk about my dreamed job, obviusly this is related to the career that I'm studying, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, and thinking about it I think that my dreamed job would be in a hospital, maybe in the hospital pharmacy despite of the clinical area. Why in a hospital? Because my mother works in one and when I go to see her at work I like a lot the environment of the hospital with the constant flux of people, deal with them and help them to treat their illnesses and work with other health professionals so I think it would be perfect for me.  About the salary, from what I know it´s good but it´s not the most important thing to me, I think it´s better to have a job and enjoy it all the days instead of having a big salary.  And about taking a major, well, it´s a little bit difficult to think about taking one now because I'm behind in my studies but if I have to choose one maybe it would be related to the hospital pharmacy or pharmacology. Why this majors? Because I li

"We used to look up at the sky and wonder at our place in the stars"

Hi everyone, this blog is about my favourite movie Interstellar, the reason why I like this movie is because I like the things related to the space and universe. This movie is about the journey made by Cooper an his tripulation across the universe in search of a new habitable planet because in the Earth the humans can´t live anymore and how they confront things so strange to us such as wormholes, new planets and blackholes. Other reasons why this is my favourite movie is because some scenes are fantastic, the soundtrack is very nice and the movie show us how insignificant we are in the vast universe. For me, the end was a little bit complex to understand the first time I saw the movie so I had to watch it a couple of times. I don´t watch much movies so I don´t like a specific genre but if I have to choose one maybe would be science fiction movies like Inception, Inglorious Bastards, Joker and the trilogy of Batman. The most recent movie I saw was Joker, I watch it in the cinema with my

My first and only concert

 Hello everyone, today I gonna talk about the only concert I went in my life, the concert of Iron Maiden in 2016. This concert was in the Estadio Nacional in March 11th and I remember the date because I keep the ticket.  Iron Maiden is a heavy metal band from England and is one of the most reknown bands of this genre of music. I went to this concert with my father because he likes this band a lot and from what I remember we went to the stadium very early 'cause all of the tickets were sold and we think it would be problematic to enter. We bought a t-shirt from the band to have a souvenir and some beers to drink during the way to the stadium. I didn´t have pictures of the concert because all of them are in my old phone and I don´t remember where it is.  The concert started at 8 PM and it lasted for almost two hours, they sang a lot of his most popular songs and some of they new album. They sang "Fear of the Dark" who is my favourite song of the them and listen to it live w

Country I would like to visit

If I have to choose a country to visit maybe it would be Italy ´cause in my opinion is one of the most beautiful countries in Europe and I like the culture and history of this place. Probably I would visit  places like Roma to see the Coliseum, the Tower of Pisa and one of those beautiful italian villages who appears in the TV shows. Another reason to visit Italy is the food, I like so much pizza and pastas and obviusly this country is the perfect place to eat this dishes I would like to live and work in this country 'cause I think it´s a quiet place, the weather is a little bit colder in comparison to Chile and I like that but maybe the language would be a little problem at the beginning. I wouldn´t live in a big city ´cause I prefer lonely and quiet places so a village not so far from the big cities would be nice for me.