Country I would like to visit

If I have to choose a country to visit maybe it would be Italy ´cause in my opinion is one of the most beautiful countries in Europe and I like the culture and history of this place. Probably I would visit  places like Roma to see the Coliseum, the Tower of Pisa and one of those beautiful italian villages who appears in the TV shows. Another reason to visit Italy is the food, I like so much pizza and pastas and obviusly this country is the perfect place to eat this dishes

I would like to live and work in this country 'cause I think it´s a quiet place, the weather is a little bit colder in comparison to Chile and I like that but maybe the language would be a little problem at the beginning. I wouldn´t live in a big city ´cause I prefer lonely and quiet places so a village not so far from the big cities would be nice for me.


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