Hi, today in this blog I gonna talk about my plans for this next summer, and thinking about it I haven´t done any plan because first I wanna end the semester and pass the courses, and also, because the pandemic I think I will not go anywhere. 

But if I have the choose some place to visit maybe it would be the south of Chile and probably I would go with my girlfriend because we both like this place. Maybe we would visit places like Puerto Varas, Puerto Montt, Valdivia and Frutillar because I was in this places years ago and I love them, cause they are so quiet, clean and the weather is so nice almost for me because I hate the summer and the heat. In this places maybe we would visit some forest, lakes and national parks like Saltos del Petrohue. 

About working in this summer, I have to do my practice in the pharmacy so I will spend a few weeks in that activity and if I have the possibility to stay working maybe I would take it to have some money for the next year and also to understand a little more how the pharmacy works. 

Maybe I will probably have to study in this summer because in March-April I will have to do some laboratories and tests so maybe this year my summer will not be to rest. 


  1. a lot of reality in your publication, how sad to have to study this summer, hopefully I can escape a little from this city!


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