My dreamed job

Hi, today I gonna talk about my dreamed job, obviusly this is related to the career that I'm studying, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, and thinking about it I think that my dreamed job would be in a hospital, maybe in the hospital pharmacy despite of the clinical area. Why in a hospital? Because my mother works in one and when I go to see her at work I like a lot the environment of the hospital with the constant flux of people, deal with them and help them to treat their illnesses and work with other health professionals so I think it would be perfect for me. 

About the salary, from what I know it´s good but it´s not the most important thing to me, I think it´s better to have a job and enjoy it all the days instead of having a big salary. 

And about taking a major, well, it´s a little bit difficult to think about taking one now because I'm behind in my studies but if I have to choose one maybe it would be related to the hospital pharmacy or pharmacology. Why this majors? Because I like the pharmacology, I think it´s interesting to know how the drugs work in our bodies, how they help us to treat the diseases and know about their adverse effects and drug interactions.


  1. We have the same work preference! I will do the internship in a hospital, I hope it will be as I imagine it!


  2. I really admire your vocation, but I think I'm not ready to live a life this stressed :(


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