
Mostrando entradas de diciembre, 2020


 Hi, today in this blog I gonna talk about my plans for this next summer, and thinking about it I haven´t done any plan because first I wanna end the semester and pass the courses, and also, because the pandemic I think I will not go anywhere.  But if I have the choose some place to visit maybe it would be the south of Chile and probably I would go with my girlfriend because we both like this place. Maybe we would visit places like Puerto Varas, Puerto Montt, Valdivia and Frutillar because I was in this places years ago and I love them, cause they are so quiet, clean and the weather is so nice almost for me because I hate the summer and the heat. In this places maybe we would visit some forest, lakes and national parks like Saltos del Petrohue.  About working in this summer, I have to do my practice in the pharmacy so I will spend a few weeks in that activity and if I have the possibility to stay working maybe I would take it to have some money for the next year and also to understand


 Hi, in this blog I gonna talk about my favourite serie Breaking Bad. Breakin Bad is my favourite serie because I love how the characters evolve along the different seasons, the performance of Bryan Cranston as Walter White and Aaron Paul as Jesse Pinkman are fantastic and it´s nice to see how the relationship between them changes along the serie. Another reason why this is my favourite serie is because it combines drama, tragedy and comedy in a very good way, also, the soundtrack is very nice. Obviusly, the chemistry is one of the most important things in the first seasons, and for a person who likes chemistry is nice to see the characters talking about it.  For me, it's the best serie I have ever seen, I like all of the seasons, and almost for me, the ending was perfect. I' dont watch so much series so I don´t have an specific favourite type of it, I like the series for the historic context an the characters like Peaky Blinders or Vikings and also for his storie like Dark or